Priority Service Offering for MEPZ

1. BluCode Training
2. BluCode IT Manpower
3. Linux Lab Services
4. Backup Management Services


1. Linux server OS installation with backup and power configuration
---a. install linux server OS
---b. configure linux server OS
---c. install and configure backup software
---d. configure backup and power management scripts

2. Linux email server setup
---a. register domain name
---b. server setup and operating system installation
---c. setup and configure a dns server
---d. scalix mail installation and configuration
---e. testing

3. Linux web server setup
---a. register domain name
---b. server setup and operating system installation
---c. setup and configure a dns server
---d. Msql and Apache installation and configuration
---e. testing

4. Linux Server Management
---a. Monthly service features
------* pro-active software upgrades, kernel updates, and control panel upgrades
------* pro-active monitoring
------* ten hours per month of server administration services(four hours automatically allocated to monitoring and security*)
------* 24-hr resolution time for critical problems
------* firewall rule upgrade and traffic monitoring
------* daily log auditing and modification

---b. Security service features:
------* deployment strategy planing and discussion using IM, e-mail(ticketing system), or telephone
------* initial configuration/runs of all above-mentioned security-related services
------* host vulnerability auditing
------* removal of insecure packages and unnecessary software
------* kernel patches of security risks/exploits
------* host.conf & sysctl hardening
------* securing mount point(/tmp, /var/tmp,/dev/shm,...)
------* compiler and network application limiting
------* SSH daemon hardening
------* services hardening
------* brute force protection (OSSEC)
------* active response configuration for common attacks
------* installation of system resource reports(cacti)
------* system/hardware optimization audit and recommendation
------* mod_security installation and configuration
------* setup of mod_secoreboard for live apache traffic monitoring
------* PHP hardening(disabling of dangerous PHP functions)
------* logwatch and logrotate configuration
------* name server configuration check

* fully automated backup for server and workstation
* automated daily incremental backup
* automated weekly full backup
* monthly archiving
* monthly monitoring
* quarterly assessment and evaluation
* immediate data recovery

* IT environment assessment
* setup of NAS
* installation of backup software in server and workstations
* configuration of backup software
* activate the script and cron jobs
* testing
* monthly monitoring
* quarterly assessment and evaluation


Storage Capacity ****** Service Fee per month
750gb ******************* P4,700.00
1.0TB ******************* P5,700.00
1.5TB ******************* P6,700.00
2.0TB ******************* P7,700.00

Setup fee requirement:

One time setup fee ******* Scope
P5,000.00 **************** Less than 20 workstation
P10,000.00**************** 1 server, up to 20 workstations
P15,000.00**************** 1 server, up to 40 workstations
P20,000.00**************** 2 servers,up to 75 workstations
P25,000.00**************** 2 servers,up to 100 workstations

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Services and Pricing Details (Updated)

A. Website Development Services
......a. Basic or Brochure Websites
..........i. Price: P23,700
......b. Premium or Corporate Websites
..........i. Price: P37,700
.........ii. Excluding webhosting & domain registration fee
........iii. Excluding webserver setup fee
........iv. 2 year webhosting & 2 year domain registration: P7,700
........v. Web server setup fee: P2,700

B. Blucode Project Training Services
.....a. Software application development process using PHP/MYSQL
.....b. Linux server management & administration
..........i. Price: P7,700 per head (inclusive of 1 snack)
.........ii. Other inclusion: 12 month online access to Blucode elearning system

C. Integration Services
.....a. Linux server OS installation & setup with backup and power management configuration
.........i. Price: P12,700 per server
.....b. Email server setup
.........i. Price: P4,700
.....c. Web server setup
........i. Price: P4,700
.....d. Linux server management
........i. Price: P4,700 per month
.....e. Backup management
........i. Price: P3,700 per month
.....f. Computer maintenance
........i. Price: P370 per computer
.....g. Network design (price subject for scope of work estimation)
.....h. Structured cabling (price subject for scope of work estimation)
.....i. Wide area networking & internet using Point-to-Point solution (price subject for scope of work estimation)
.....j. IP-PBX Communication system (price subject for scope of work estimation)

D. Software Services
...a. Price: Subject to requirements gathering and project scoping. Typical project will run for 4 months with 1 project manager, 2 developers, 1 user interface designer and 2 quality assurance engineers.

NOTE: For purposes of giving discount to clients the maximum is 10%.




.....a. Basic/brochure websites
.........i. Web hosting setup & domain registration
........ii. Customized website design & development
............1. Develop information structure
............2. 10 static web pages
............3. 15 scanned photos for editing
............4. 1 flash animation
............5. 1 e-form for comments, registration, inquiries
............6. Content management training
............7. Free unlimited phone support

................P23,700.00 excluding web hosting setup & domain registration
................P5,900.00 web hosting fee 2 years free domain registration
................P2,700.00 web server setup fee
................Discount: 10%

.....b. Premium/corporate
.........i. Web hosting setup & registration
........ii. Customized website design
............1. Develop information structure
............2. 20 static web pages
............3. 20 scanned photos for editing
............4. 2 flash animation
............5. 1 e-form for comments, registration, inquiries
............6. 1 picture gallery
............7. 1 news flash
............8. 1 message board
............9. Content management training
..........10. Free unlimited phone support

.................P37,700.00 excluding web hosting setup & domain registration
.................P5,900.00 web hosting fee 2 years free domain registration
.................P2,700.00 web server setup fee
.................Discount: 10%

B. BLUCODE PROJECT TRAINING (refer to information in

......• Linux server OS installation & setup with backup and power management configuration
......• Linux server management
........o Pro active monitoring (5 minute intervals - includes ping, http, smtp, dns, pop3, imap)
........o Pro-active software upgrades/updates
........o Pro-active OS upgrades/updates
........o Firewall installation and configuration
........o File directory and device hardening
........o Logfile scanning and report software set-up
........o Removing software/daemons/services that are not needed
........o "Rootkit check" software installation and configuration
........o Server initial backup (before doing any work on the system)
........o System and network stack hardening/optimization
........o SIM (System Integrity Monitoring) setup/configuration
........o Socket monitoring/reporting software set-up
........o Linux environment security
........o Pro-active NMAP and NESSUS scanning
........o System time synchronization setup/configuration
........o SSH server and access securing and configuration
........o Mod_dosevasive setup and configuration (limits do apply)
........o Disabling of dangerous PHP functions
........o Install any server-needed 3rd Party Software Upon Request
........o Deployment strategy planing and discussion using IM, E-Mail (ticketing system), or Phone
.......o Vulnerability Audit on the host.
.......o Installing all the software upgrade by OS vendor
.......o Removal of insecure packages and unnecessary software
.......o Kernel Upgrade
.......o Host.conf & sysctl hardening
.......o Securing Mount Points (/tmp, /var/tmp, /dev/shm, ...)
.......o Compiler and Network application limiting
.......o SSH server hardening
.......o Services Hardening
.......o Rootkit/Exploit scanner reports sent daily (Rootkit Hunter)
.......o File System Integrity Checking (Samhain Installation and configuration)
.......o Installation and Configuration of host firewall (Shorewall setup or Your choice of firewall )
.......o Installation of system resource reports (cacti)
.......o System / hardware optimization audit and recommendation
.......o Mod_Security installation and configuration
.......o setup mod_secoreboard for live apache traffic monitoring
.......o Logwatch and logrotate configuration
.......o Name Server Configuration check

 Monthly Features
 Pro-active Kernel Upgrade
 Firewall rule upgrade and traffic monitoring
 Daily Log Auditing and modification
 Pro-active software upgrades/updates
 Pro-active Control Panel upgrades/updates
 Monitoring All Important services (3 minutes intervals and response to downtime)
 Includes 10 hours/month server administration (4 hours automatically allocated to monitoring and security)
 Immediate Resolution of critical problems

• Email server setup
• Web server setup
• Backup management
• Computer maintenance
i. Cleaning
ii. Virus check and removal
• Network design
• Structured cabling
• Wide area networking & internet using point-to-point solutions
• IP-PBX Communications system

a. Information details on software development is our existing process
b. Features of our software services:
i. Process driven (using ESA software eng’g process and UML in design)
ii. Customer driven (customer requirements at the core of the design process)
iii. Quality assurance driven (typical project will undergo at least 5 stages of testing)
iv. Web-based implementation
v. 12 month support

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Software Development Standard Project Tasks

1. The Solutions Provider shall submit to the Client a project proposal for approval before systems development will be started.

2. Upon approval of the project proposal, the Solutions Provider shall request for a kick‐off meeting with the Client to discuss all preliminary requirements and level‐off all expectations affecting the project.

3. The Solutions Provider shall conduct user requirement gathering thru series of interviews and process review with the Client appointed personnel.

4. The Solutions Provider shall submit a user requirement document to the Client for sign‐off to confirm all the requirements of the system.

5. The Solutions Provider shall develop a prototype of the system based on the requirements gathered to be submitted to the Client for approval and sign‐off. Revisions will be made to the prototype prior to development until it is approve by the Client.

6. The Solutions Provider shall create the software requirements document from the approved prototype and then submit to the Client for approval and sign‐off.

7. The Solutions Provider shall then develop the detailed design document from the approved software requirements document as basis for coding and development.

8. The Solutions Provider shall start coding the system based on the detailed design document.

9. The Solutions Provider shall simultaneously create the test plan document in preparation for the testing of the system.

10. The Solutions Provider after completing the coding phase will start testing the system thru a series of tests or quality assurance process – unit testing, module testing, system testing,integration testing, regression testing and stress testing to ensure product quality.

11. The Solutions Provider will then install the system in the Client’s server. The server shall also be configured for optimal use. The Solutions Provider shall submit technical report relating to the server in case of any technical requirements needed.

12. The Solutions Provider will then conduct user acceptance testing together with the Client.

13. The Solutions Provider will then perform data migration of key data from existing system to the new system.

14. The Solutions Provider will then conduct user training with the appointed personnel of the Client.

15. The Solutions Provider will then perform parallel testing of the new system with the old system to provide comparative results.

16. The Solutions Provider shall then submit complete documentation including program codes of the new system.

17. The Solutions Provider shall conduct system development training on the Client’s IT personnel in relation to the new system.

18. The Solutions Provider shall provide 12 month onsite support after turnover of the system to the Client.

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Standard Software Development - Deliverables

1. Service Agreement with Statement of Work Document

2. Project Schedule

3. User Requirement Document

4. Prototype

5. Software Requirements Document

6. Development Status Reports

7. Installed and Running System

8. User Acceptance Document

9. System Documentation

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Blumango New-level Services

1. Software Services (all solutions are web-based)
" for software solutions you can RELY and DEPEND upon"

Our Expertise:

  • Elearning sytems and school portals
  • Enrollment system
  • Digital library system
  • Sales management system
  • Accounts receivable system
  • Accounts payable system
  • General ledger system
  • Warehouse management system
  • Inventory management system
  • Weight capture system
  • Document management system
  • HR management system

Special Projects:
  • iPhone/Mac application development services

2. Blucode Project Training Services
"an EXPERIENCED-BASED technology training"

Our training offerings:
  • software application development process using PHP/MYSQL platform
  • Linux server management
  • Network management using Linux

3. Website Development Services
"for websites that DELIVER RESULTS"

Our training offerings:
  • Brochure website(basic corporate website)
  • Premium corporate website
  • Ecommerce website
  • Portals

4. Integration Services
"we make IT WORK for you"

  • Linux server setup and configuration
  • Linux server management
  • Email server setup
  • Web server setup
  • IP-PBX communication system setup
  • Network design
  • Computer maintenance
  • Structured cabling

Our Technical Skill Set

Development tools:
  • PHP
  • Java, javascript
  • C, C++
  • VB, C#


  • Mysql
  • SQL Server
  • Postgre


  • Linux desktop, Linux Server
  • Apache
  • Windows, Windows Server


  • Open Source Technologies
  • Ajax
  • Web 2.0
  • Network Technologies
  • IP-PBX Technologies

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Why Students Keep on Moving?

1. Academic Problems:

Some students enter an academic program, expecting to have no problem at all keeping up with studies and requirements. They soon discover that the program at a particular school is much more difficult than they first thought. Instead of switching majors, transferring schools is a viable option, in this instance. Even if the intended major is likely going to be a challenge at any school, just the experience of a new institution and new teachers could prove to be beneficial. Also, there’s the possibility that a student might discover a better program, in his/her intended major, at a different college, making a transfer look favorable.

2. Social Problems:

This is one of the more common reasons why students decide to bail out and switch to a different school. After experiencing the social scene, a student might discover that he/she doesn’t really fit in to the atmosphere. It could be that the school is too strict and controlling. It could also be the opposite- that the social scene is too loose and too distracting. Social issues and concerns and preferences are completely different from one person to another.

3. Money Problems:

Financial difficulties hit many students very hard. Money can be particularly scarce when a student attends a private college. Private schools can carry a price tag that’s often several times higher than a comparable state- run institution. A transfer, to a less expensive school, could definitely be in the cards.

4. Parental Problems:

If your parents are footing your college bill, then you will likely be subjected to their wrath. If they decide that they don’t like the way you’re performing academically, or that they don’t like all of your carousing and partying, they could very well give you an ultimatum to modify your behavior, or else be forced into a different school. If this happens, the student will have to either find a way to pay the bills himself, or give in to the demands of the parents and accept a transfer to another school.


Highly Recommended:

Netfusion Academic Portal

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For more details, feel free to contact Armil(Marketing Manager):

Email :
Telefax : +63 32 416-0031
Mobile : 0927-309-8893
YM ID : incarmvel


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