1. Academic Problems:
Some students enter an academic program, expecting to have no problem at all keeping up with studies and requirements. They soon discover that the program at a particular school is much more difficult than they first thought. Instead of switching majors, transferring schools is a viable option, in this instance. Even if the intended major is likely going to be a challenge at any school, just the experience of a new institution and new teachers could prove to be beneficial. Also, there’s the possibility that a student might discover a better program, in his/her intended major, at a different college, making a transfer look favorable.
2. Social Problems:
This is one of the more common reasons why students decide to bail out and switch to a different school. After experiencing the social scene, a student might discover that he/she doesn’t really fit in to the atmosphere. It could be that the school is too strict and controlling. It could also be the opposite- that the social scene is too loose and too distracting. Social issues and concerns and preferences are completely different from one person to another.
3. Money Problems:
Financial difficulties hit many students very hard. Money can be particularly scarce when a student attends a private college. Private schools can carry a price tag that’s often several times higher than a comparable state- run institution. A transfer, to a less expensive school, could definitely be in the cards.
4. Parental Problems:
If your parents are footing your college bill, then you will likely be subjected to their wrath. If they decide that they don’t like the way you’re performing academically, or that they don’t like all of your carousing and partying, they could very well give you an ultimatum to modify your behavior, or else be forced into a different school. If this happens, the student will have to either find a way to pay the bills himself, or give in to the demands of the parents and accept a transfer to another school.
Source: http://www1.epinions.com/content_2276630660
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